• 58 reviews
Debugger for Adobe Analytics
Security impact analysis

Debugger for Adobe Analytics
Debugger for Adobe Analytics

The Top Chrome Extension for Debugging: Unveiling the Power of WP Debug

While browsing through the list of top Chrome extensions , you may come across a multitude of tools and utilities built to facilitate your online experience. Among these, the standout is undoubtedly the WordPress Debug ( WP Debug ) Chrome Extension , boasting a stellar aggregate rating of 4.42 out of 5.

Why is WP Debug a Top-rated Chrome Extension?

Primarily designed for implementation engineers, WP Debug eliminates the need for separate tabs or windows for debugging. It directly prints all server call details in the console, enhancing efficiency and saving valuable time. Users laud this feature for making their work simpler and more streamlined.

Examining User Reviews

A majority of users have expressed positive feedback, highlighting WP Debug's impressive ability to seamlessly integrate with developer workflows. The extension's functionality to display analytics output in the console alongside error logs has been widely appreciated. However, some users have reported encountering issues with viewing all the variables related to a particular page. The developers are continually working to resolve these minor setbacks, as evident from the extension's regular updates.

Exploring Outstanding Features

WP Debug is not just a utility, but a comprehensive browser tool that offers a multitude of features. It is equipped to handle both POST and GET requests, displaying all page load data, link events, and file downloads. Furthermore, it provides actionable recommendations on how to improve the implementation, thus serving as an indispensable tool for debugging analytics.

Release Notes: Reflecting Continuous Improvement

WP Debug's developers have consistently focused on improving user experience. The most recent release notes indicate enhancements in handling super long post calls, printing server calls in the tab where a request originated, and fixing URI decoding issues. This continuous evolution, driven by user feedback, underscores why WP Debug is regarded as a top Chrome Extension.

Final Remarks

WP Debug is more than just an extension—it's a powerful tool that enhances your browsing experience. Whether you're an implementation engineer or someone who simply appreciates effective utilities, it's a top Chrome extension worth trying. With its high aggregate rating and positive user reviews, WP Debug stands out as a browser tool that delivers substantial value.

Enhances Adobe Analytics debugging.

Shows page load data and events.

Provides implementation improvement recommendations.

Displays visitor and organisation IDs.

Fixes long post server calls.

May have URI decoding issues.

Does not show unimportant data.

Debugger is always on by default.

May not display all eVars.

Does not show data center and cookies.

58 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Kathy Dyer

I can't watch my metrics, I'm just seeing an error message that I can't understand :( Adobe Client Data Layer v2.0.2 has already been imported/initialized on this page. You may be erroneously loading it a second time.

Bogdan Nazaruk

Great extension, but could use a few improvements: 1. AEP Debugger forces this extension to double-report server calls. Cuz AEPD adds an internal redirect to the network calls, so this extension should also check the response code, make sure it's not an internal redirect. 2. Link (s.tl()) reporting has blue headings. They look terrible in dark consoles. The extension should automatically recognize the dark console and use a lighter hue of blue. It would also be better to change the background of the heading rather than the text only. Would make it more obvious. 3. Some additional UI improvements would be great to help new users see where one call ends and another begins, especially when the calls don't fit one screen. This would be super helpful for when we have QAs or devs installing this extension for the first time and going through their console via screen sharing. Happens all the time.

John Fitzgerald

Doesn't work.

Søren Høyer

I absolutely loved the console output, however when using EDDL with the ACDL Launch extension, I found out that it reported the wrong order of events compared to inspecting the events array on the datalayer and also compared with the Adobe Experience Platform debugger, which was able to correcly console.log the right order of the events. So unfortunately have to use AEP debugger now instead of this, but this extension definitely would be my preferred one, if this is fixed.

Jonathan Worent

Serves ads in the console!

Ricardo Marques

Works great. Brilliant tool! Love the fact that it prints all the info in the console and you don't need to switch between different tabs in devtools.


Works great most of the time, kudos! I would recommend using this tool as well as the latest updated tool here when you run into issues just to be sure before you go back and forth with a client troubleshooting. In my case, this plugin worked perfectly for 85% of the tracking (especially when I needed to see everything logged, not just the current page). However, when I had to track some custom download links or custom events, there were some cases where the other tool worked better. https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/sc/implement/debugger_install.html Thanks for the plugin!

Will Bryant

Great way to view the Adobe Analytics call inside console. Not sure another tool that allows this functionality. Saves time by not having to constantly switch between tabs in the dev tools.

Alison Villazon

Indispensable tool for debugging analytics. So helpful to see the analytics output in the console, alongide error logs.

Jan Exner

Easy to use, functional, brilliant.

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